Four out of five cats is impressive. Yes, this is the photo of a crazy cat lady but I was so impressed they were sleeping on the sofa together when I got home from work. Ironically, sleeping on my sofa and not DH's.
Knitting Updates: The Greenjeans is done. I need to take a photo of it. After a mad moment when I wet blocked the sweater, I thought it was too blocked. It's actually okay, but it does need another closure for it to fit perfectly.
The yarn is on its way for the Hex Coat.
I am knitting Socks That Rock in Hot Flash to keep me slightly sane. Since MIL never sent me her measurements, I am making them for myself.
Netflix Update: We watched Blades of Glory. Stupid and funny flick. I really need to watch some films of a more intellectual calibre. Sadly, PBS is not playing any British mysteries. Oh-but we did add the Vicar of Dibley to our list. Dreamgirls is next.
9 threads:
- At 9:43 PM Batty said...
They are so adorable! It's funny how black cats can be nearly invisible, my Morgana has the same talent. Sometimes, we don't notice that she's getting locked in a closet because she blends in with the darkness inside.
Can't wait to see your Mr. Greenjeans! - At 10:15 PM cpurl17 said...
Hey, I own that CCL figurine!
Cute kitties!! - At 11:16 PM CynCyn said...
I saw Blades of Glory... it could've been a 'short' flick, since there's not really a plot. Five cats? How do you keep everything under control? Where do they sleep? (aka, where do YOU sleep?)
- At 7:17 AM Bezzie said...
I get really scared when they are all together like that--what are they plotting??? I grew up with seven cats, so I feel your pain. ;-)
- At 10:57 AM Lynn said...
Five cats!! I can't even imagine the cat hair tumbleweeds!
- At 11:23 AM Kim said...
I watched Blades of Glory twice this weekend (my son loves that movie). Will Ferrell is a comic genius and Jon Heder is the perfect dork! Hot Flash is such an awesomely loud color. I couldn't resisit buying some at Rhinebeck.
- At 12:04 AM Deborah said...
- At 2:46 PM Unknown said...
Dreamgirls made me say words I never thought I'd hear let alone utter, "I'm so mad that Eddie Murphy didn't get the Oscar!"
- At 5:10 PM Knittymama said...
That picture makes me feel better about having two dogs and two cats (and two kids:-)